Zoom, Zoom

play by Philippa Werry , illustrated by Tohby Riddle

Learning intention:

I am learning about the aspects involved in live performance so that I can more confidently understand my role when performing as part of an ensemble cast.


Success criteria:

  • I can identify and discuss the importance of different aspects of live performance.
  • I can work with an ensemble cast to learn my lines, cues and marks for performance.
  • I can perform a play to a high standard in front of an audience.


Before reading the text watch the video, Acting Tips for Kids. Ask students to recall the points that are relevant for the students to act out a play and reiterate their meaning. These should include:

  • Listen to the director and allow them to do their job
  • Know your lines
  • Listen for your cue
  • Hit your mark.

Divide students into groups and assign roles. There are eight speaking parts and a number of extras to be decided by the teacher, as well as a director’s role. You may also wish to assign a props manager role to source any props needed, such as a book and a skateboard or piece of cardboard.

If possible, take students to rehearse and perform in the playground, particularly if there is a garden, or a large space such as a school hall. Point out to students that there are notes for direction in the text which are contained in brackets, such as (opens big heavy book and starts to read from it) and (zooms around the garden). Inform students that they need to follow these directions, but other decisions will be decided by the director.

Have groups rehearse by reading through the play several times together directly from the magazine. This will allow them to practice their lines and become familiar with their cues. They should then start ‘stage rehearsals’ to allow the director to make decisions about when each character comes into view and where their marks are. Once students are confident that they know their lines, cues and marks, allow them to perform for the rest of the class.


Assessment for/as learning:

This assessment experience will be phased over two episodes. Ensure time has been allocated for the groups of students to perform their play.

  • The Teacher will record each performance so that it can be peer reviewed against the success criteria.
  • Each performance group will be given the task of providing feedback to another group.

Ensure children have access to the Success criteria from this learning experience and the  See three before Me peer assessment template available through the Digital learning selector.

Each group is to review the recorded performance and carefully provide feedback based on the Success criteria and expectations of the performance.