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Terms and conditions

This page outlines the terms and conditions of use for both the digital and print magazine subscriptions offered by The School Magazine. By subscribing to The School Magazine, you have agreed to these terms and conditions.

By continuing to purchase subscriptions you accept these changes and agree to be bound by them. It is your responsibility to check the terms and conditions each time you purchase a subscription from us. We may change these terms and conditions from time to time by changing them on this site.

If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please do not purchase any of the available subscriptions.

Subscription types

All subscriptions are annual subscriptions for the nominated calendar year, and do not roll over.

Subscription process

Privacy policy

By subscribing to The School Magazine and providing your personal details (name, address and email address) you agree to the NSW Department of Education’s privacy policy.

Acceptable use policy

The School Magazine’s Acceptable use policy sets our expectations of subscribers to our products – both digital and print. Its purpose is to prevent the excessive exploitation of our subscriptions and therefore our business model.

The following definitions are to be read in conjunction with this Acceptable use policy:

A subscriber: is a person, school or organisation who has paid for a subscription to the digital and/or print magazine and associated resources.

An Account Administrator: is the person who manages the subscription account on behalf of a school or organisation.

A digital user: is a person whose school or organisation has paid for their access to the digital subscription components of The School Magazine that may include (but not be limited to) the eMagazines, digital resources and PDF learning resources.

A class or classroom: is a set of students who access the text, digital activities and magazines assigned to them by the digital user. Each digital user’s subscription is capped at 35 student access points per class.

A print user: is a person whose school or organisation has paid for their access to print subscription components of The School Magazine that includes the print magazine, PDF learning resource and Dharug vocabulary interactives.

A student or student access point: is a person who receives access to The School Magazine’s print or digital offering through the digital user, or in the case of an individual, the subscriber.

Our: refers to The School Magazine, a unit within the NSW Department of Education.

A magazine title: is one of the four magazines offered by The School Magazine. The four magazine titles are: Countdown, Blast Off, Orbit and Touchdown.

e-magazine: refers to digital access by one person to one of the four magazine titles offered by The School Magazine. Access is via a login.

Digital subscription: refers to a paid subscription for one teacher or person to access all available digital content in The School Magazine website. This includes eMagazines, digital resources, online and PDF learning resources, activities, Video clips and audio. Access is via a login.

Print subscription: refers to a paid subscription to one of the four print magazine offerings by The School Magazine

Acceptable use of the website includes:

One digital subscription gives access to one user to access the full suite of eMagazines and resources to develop activities for their class for that year.

If a user retains an ongoing subscription over multiple years, that user will have access to their history of activities, allowing them to use those activities for any current or future classes they have. Access is via subscription renewal every year.

A digital user will ensure any activities created for their class will be shared through an authenticated platform (for example, a learning management platform, Google classrooms) with their students – safeguarding restricted access to their class.

Unacceptable use of the website includes, but is not limited to:

  • Sharing digital subscriptions, activities or materials with other users or students outside the single classroom.

  • Creation or transmission that infringes our copyright statement

  • Deliberate and unauthorised access to content by parties who have not paid a subscription to access content.

Subscribers who violate this Acceptable Use Policy may have their access terminated for the remainder of the subscription period.