You Can Have Mine (Blast Off 4, May 2019)

story by Alison McLennan , illustrated by Cheryl Orsini

Worksheet: Punctuating quoted speech

Understanding EN2-4A

Conduct a See, Think, Wonder thinking routine to explore the title and make predictions about ‘You Can Have Mine’, using the image on page 22 as stimulus. This routine encourages students to make careful observations and thoughtful interpretations. It helps stimulate curiosity and sets the stage for inquiry. Use student See Think Wonder worksheet to record responses.

  • What do you see?
  • What does it make you wonder?
  • What do you think about that?

Complete a tree chart to show student understanding of friendship. What kind of friend was Hazel? List attributes of good friends in the branches of this Tree chart worksheet.

Engaging personally EN2-2A

Write a narrative about friendship. Use this Mapping Your Story template to help students scaffold their writing.

Many ‘problems/complications’ can be easily identified every day, on the school playground. Use ‘You Can Have Mine’ as an exemplar and brainstorm other ideas from the text, to support student writing.

Describe a friend. Write a pensée poem to describe a real or imaginary friend using this Pensee Poem Pattern worksheet.

Connecting EN2-11D

Background reading: Strategy explained: text-to-text, text-to-self, text-to-world

  • Text-to-text connections occur when we make connections between other texts in relation to the text we are reading.
  • Text-to-self connections occur when we make connections between personal experiences and the text.
  • Text-to-world connections occur when we relate the text with what we already know about the world.

Text-to-self: Have a class discussion on how do the ideas in this text relate to their own lives, ideas and experiences? Ask students to consider:

  • What does this text remind you of?
  • Can you relate to the characters in the text?
  • Does anything in this text remind you of anything in your own life?
  • I understand what I just read because in my own life …
  • I don’t agree with what I just read because in my own life …

Students complete this Connection Stems worksheet activity. Discuss as a class.

Engaging critically EN2-2A & EN2-7B

Complete a PMI chart. Encourage students to use their PMI chart to highlight three elements (in three different colours or use coloured post-it notes) within the narrative that are positive, negative and interesting:

  1. Plus/Positive: Good/Positive experiences, themes, messages, events and happenings in the text.
  2. Minus/Negative: Events in the text that are negative/bad experiences in the text, things that go wrong etc.
  3. Interesting: Anything that appeals to the student; questions, feelings and emotions that arise, morals, messages and connections that resonate with the students.

Complete a character report card on Hazel. Students should locate evidence of Hazel’s character traits in the text.

Experimenting EN2-10C

Create a film strip of ‘You Can Have Mine’ using this story board worksheet. Adapt the film strip into a play or podcast using Audacity.

Write a summary of the story using this scaffolded Retell Summary worksheet to retell the story briefly.

Story map the main events of ‘You Can Have Mine’, with one of these Story Map worksheets, or by using a Story Arc.

Reflecting EN2-12E

Journal: Write a journal entry titled ‘What if everyone was able to share selflessly?’ How would the world change? How would students change? What would be better or worse? Would rich and poor still exist? Would crime still occur? Have students share their responses.

Complete: What are the advantages and disadvantages to having friends? List these creative ideas in a Two column ‘T-Chart’ worksheet.

Further reading

English Textual Concepts


Introduction to the Story Arc YouTube clip

Think From the Middle: Rochester Community Schools Strategy Toolbox

Visible Thinking: Thinking Routines