Will Wonders Never Cease? Talking Stamps

article by Mina , illustrated by Fifi Colston

Learning Intention:

I am learning to use appropriate verbal communication tools and persuasive language so that I can present my ideas to an audience.


Success Criteria:


  • I can work with a partner to develop a new product idea, and prepare a visual representation
  • I can prepare a proposal using persuasive language to present my ideas
  • I can speak in front of my classmates, using appropriate volume, eye contact and gestures.


Essential knowledge:


More information about the Bhutanese talking stamps  can be found on The vinyl factory website, including an audio recording you can share with the class and information about the inventor of the talking stamps, American adventurer, Burt Todd.


Oral language and communication


Prior to reading the article, write the phrase ‘Talking Stamps’ onto the board and ask students to suggest what a talking stamp might be. Ask a student to write the suggestions in a list on the board as a record of the conversation.

As a class, read the article to find out more about talking stamps. After reading, refer back to the list and compare the ideas on the board with the list from the class.


The article finishes with a question: What material would you use if you could design and make your own stamp? Ask students to work with a partner to prepare an answer to the question posed. They should complete the following steps:

  • Brainstorm a list of possible materials for making a new type of stamp
  • Once a list has been created, each pair should select ONE idea from the list. The chosen material should be something highly unique
  • Each pair should create a visual mock-up design for their unique new stamp and write a description to accompany the visual design explaining how it will work.


Before the pairs start working on their persuasive proposal for their new type of stamp, introduce the idea of an elevator pitch (defined as ‘a concise, persuasive, easily understood explanation of an idea that can be delivered quickly’ refer to Scholastic Shark Tank teaching guide.)

Work together as a class to create a model elevator pitch for an item in the classroom. Use the scaffold on page 8 of the Scholastic resource. Alter the scaffold by changing the third question to: “it works by…” to allow students to explain their product in more detail.

Sample using a classroom item:

I’d like to tell you about a new product, which will revolutionise how you teach in your classroom. This is the latest technology designed by and for teachers, enabling them to provide feedback to their students in a timely manner.

It’s a self-inking stamp!

It works by pressing a small ink picture or phrase onto your student’s work. The phrases could express that the student has succeeded in their work with a comment like “amazing work!” or it could stamp on a checklist, which you can then tick the items achieved and show students the areas that they need to work on. Simply place the stamp onto the desired page and press down quickly. These stamps will cut down your marking time allowing you more time to focus on your planning and your students. No need for messy old ink pads anymore!

It costs $2 for a basic image like a star with a simple phrase, and up to $10 for a more detailed personalised checklist.

You can get it by visiting our website and making your selections. Which design will you choose?


Project the sample onto the board and ask students to identify words or phrases that they consider to be persuasive – that draw the intended audience in and make them want the product.

Suggested answers:

  • ‘Revolutionise,’ ‘latest technology’, ‘messy old ink pads’ (these are all examples which describe how modern and advanced the item is making it desirable)
  • ‘designed by and for teachers’ (this identifies the audience and gives credibility to the product)
  • ‘Simply’ (this word choice shows the ease with which the product can be used)
  • ‘you,’ ‘your’ (these are examples of ‘direct address’ where the speaker will talk directly to the audience, drawing them into the presentation and making them imagine themselves using the product.)
  • ‘Which design will you choose?’ (Finishing with a rhetorical question, leaves the audience thinking about the product after the presentation is finished.)


Now pairs are ready to write their own proposal using the scaffold and the suggested word choices and persuasive techniques.


Prior to delivering their presentations, students are encouraged to annotate their elevator pitch with the following:

  • Underline words or phrases that should be emphasised
  • Mark with a vertical line down moments where a pause is required
  • Colour code the script so that both speakers in the pair know which words they must deliver
  • Comment on a location where a hand gesture or facial expression may help convince the audience to choose your product.


Assessment for/as learning:


After completing their presentation, ask students to complete an ‘exit slip’ style reflection. Use the following:

From 1 (not at all) to 5 (aced it), how do you feel about your product presentation?






Explain why you feel this way.


What might you do differently next time you deliver a presentation?