
story by Blake Tori , illustrated by Peter Sheehan

Learning intention:

I am learning to recognise the way point of view can influence how a narrative is told so that I can consider different options when deciding on the best viewpoint for my stories.


Success criteria:

  • I can identify plot points of a story that would only be experienced by one character
  • I can speculate on the experiences of another character in the story
  • I can use this information to compose a story from the other character’s point of view.


Essential knowledge:

Information about points of view can be found in the English Textual Concepts video Point of View.

After reading the story, ask how the secret that Prowler revealed to Dennis at the end of the story changes the whole situation. Discuss whether students thought prior to this revelation that Dennis was the only person who could understand Prowler.

Ask students to consider what Sophie’s experience might be in this story. Explain that they will be writing a story of the same events from her point of view. Use the following questions to facilitate a brainstorming and planning discussion:

  • How did Sophie find out that her cake had been ruined? Did she hear the crash of the plate? Did her parents tell her?
  • Did Dennis tell her what happened? Did she believe him?
  • Did Prowler tell Sophie the truth? Did he blame Dennis instead?
  • What is Prowler’s relationship like with Sophie? How do they interact?
  • How does Sophie’s age (3) affect the way she talks to Prowler and her views on the fact that she can communicate with a cat?
  • How does Sophie’s age affect the way she tells the story? How would her use of vocabulary be different? How would it affect the way she views the situation?

Write student answers and ideas on the board for them to reference in continuing with their own story plans. Explain to students that they should consider their answers to these questions and use it to inform their story writing. Once students have written their story, they should choose 2-3 parts of the story to draw accompanying illustrations for.