Will Wonders Never Cease? Not Your Ordinary Flag

article by Mina , photo by Alamy

Learning Intention:

I am learning to use factual information to discuss ideas and opinions with others so that I can be well-informed about topics and understand other people’s point of view.


Success Criteria:

  • I can recall points from reliable non-fiction sources
  • I can use facts to present my point of view
  • I can listen to and consider the views of others respectfully
  • I can use symbolism to represent factual information in my creative design



Essential knowledge:

To assist students with creating, interpreting and discussing symbolism, the English Textual Concepts video Connotation, Imagery and Symbol.


Oral language and communication:

After reading the article, ask students to recall design aspects of Nepal’s flag and what they symbolise. Answers should include:

  • The two triangles represent the Himalayan Mountains and the country’s two religions, Hinduism and Buddhism
  • The red background represents bravery
  • The blue border of the flag represents peace

Watch Australia’s Flag – Behind the News. Following the video, have students think pair and share to discuss if they think the Australian flag should be changed, and if so, what colours and symbolic designs they might use to represent modern Australia.

Watch the following videos from NITV:


Ask students to recall the representation incorporated into each of the three flags in the videos and facilitate a class discussion about the effectiveness of the different colours and symbols.

Discuss how they might design a flag that symbolises their local area. Discuss ideas of how to visually represent elements such as geographical features (beaches, mountains, parks, desert), local landmarks, common interests, and the local people. Make a list on the board of student answers to highlight how their ideas differ from each other, depending on personal observations preferences.


Assessment for/as learning:

Give students time to brainstorm their ideas and design their flags in their books or on an A4 piece of paper. Students should then present their designs to the class, explaining their design choices and how they feel it best represents the local area. If appropriate for your class, you may wish to have students vote for their favourite flag.