Waddle You Do?

poem by Diana Murray , illustrated by Gabriel Evans

Learning Intention:

I am learning to identify words used for text navigation so that I can create a digital advertisement with hyperlinks.


Success Criteria:

  • I can identify words used for hyperlinks on websites and advertisements
  • I can explain why specific words are used for hyperlinks
  • I can create a digital advertisement with hyperlinks.



Display National Geographic’s webpage on the Adélie penguin. Briefly read through the information and then ask the following questions:

- Why do you think the words Antarctic, fish and squid are underlined in orange?

- What happens when I scroll my mouse over it?

- What happens if I click on it?


Click on the words to show that it takes you to another page on National Geographic. Explain that the links connected to words on a webpage are called hyperlinks. Return to the penguin page and ask:

- Why has the website creator chosen these specific words to act as links?


Explain that on fact-based websites, hyperlinks can act as an extensive glossary and lead the reader to more information about the linked word.


Display a print ad of your choice in the classroom or use an online one. Ask students that if they were to use hyperlinks to give the reader more information or to take them to a webpage with the product, what words would they use for the hyperlink?

- The logo could link to the website homepage

- The nouns could link to the celebrity endorser’s website or social media page

- The online entry form could be linked with the words ‘Enter’, ‘win’ or ‘$2,500 gift card’.


Understanding text:

Explain that the class is about to read a poem that also functions as an advertisement. Read Waddle You Do? aloud or, if you have a digital subscription, listen to the audio recording.


Ask students:

- What is being advertised? (Duck-tor – a duck doctor)

- What word could be used as a hyperlink to the duck doctor website homepage? (duck-tor)


In pairs, instruct students to find other words in the poem that might be used as a hyperlink and why. For example, the word ‘spots’ might link to a picture of a tailfeather covered in spots so that the reader knows what the symptoms look like.


Creating text:


Using a program such as Word, students type out the poem and select words to link to webpages. Students who have had less experience with Word or computers can do this with a more capable partner. To add a hyperlink, highlight the word, select the Insert tab and find the link box. For brief instructions with pictures on how to create a hyperlink, visit Microsoft Support’s Hyperlinks in Word for the web.


Students can use the word duck-tor to link to The School Magazine’s digital copy of Waddle You Do? For other words, students can use relevant and appropriate webpages, such as the Collin’s Dictionary’s definition of tail feather or a YouTube video with a duck quack for the word ‘quack’.


Assessment for/as learning:

Students swap their advertisements with a peer, who can check for the following things:

- The poem is correctly copied out

- The hyperlinks take them to an appropriate webpage

- It is clear why a word was chosen for a hyperlink