Vote for Mayor

persuasive piece by Karen Jameyson , illustrated by David Legge

Learning Intention:

I am learning about the importance of both written and spoken persuasive techniques so that I can improve my skills in delivering persuasive speeches.


Success Criteria:

  • I can identify the techniques used in a persuasive text
  • I can compose a persuasive text based on a set of criteria
  • I can deliver a persuasive speech in my most confident tone.

Essential knowledge:

The NSW Department of Education glossary meaning of Persuasive Texts can be used to revise the basic points for students.


Oral language and communication:

Have students silently read the article to themselves, then ask what kind of tone they feel it should be delivered in when read aloud (e.g. confident, persuasive). Choose willing students to demonstrate, or if you have a digital subscription you may wish to play the audio version. Ask students to vote on if they feel Mr Brush Turkey makes a convincing argument in his candidacy for Mayor of Yourtown and to cite their reasons. Answers may include:

  • He is confident
  • He can help the town’s building industry
  • He protects the town from bushfires
  • He shows determination
  • He is safe from enemies.


Understanding text:

Break students into small groups and ask them to analyse the structure of the article together and identify what makes it an effective persuasive text. Remind them to look for:

  • A strong point of view using persuasive language
  • Justification of the point of view using evidence
  • Persuasive techniques such as cause and effect, rhetorical questions and call to action.


Once students have had time for their group analysis, bring the class back together and discuss their findings using textual evidence. After answers are discussed, ensure that the following have been identified:


Strong point of view using persuasive language

  • ‘We are incredibly lucky to have one candidate who truly stands out from the crowd’
  • ‘Mr B Turkey is not easily confused with any other candidate’
  • ‘He carries himself with assurance and is seldom daunted’
  • ‘He has exactly the right confidence to lead our town.’


Evidence to justify point of view.

Cause Effect Benefit to Town
Kicking materials together with nothing but a few leaves Building a nest four metres in diameter, a metre off the ground for his partner's eggs Using his resourcefulness and determination to give Yourtown's building industry a kick-start
Breaking up dry leaves and shoving them into soil Reducing the fuel available for possible bushfires Using his foresight to protect the area from hazardous fires
Has been made a protected species as a native Australian animal Keeps him safe from enemies Will be able to get on with the important role of leading the community

Rhetorical questions

  • Do you want a determined leader?
  • Do you want a mayor with strength?
  • With intelligence and reliability?


Call to action!

In our 2024 election, be sure to cast your vote for the best candidate!


Creating text:

Discuss the way the author took true behaviours about brush turkey (appearance, behaviours) and applied them to a campaign speech by making them relevant to the audience.

Inform students they will be choosing their own animal to write a campaign speech for. To do this, they should brainstorm their animal’s behaviour and features and consider how they can frame them as strengths for a leadership role.

Students should then write a campaign speech using the techniques from the text:

  • Strong point of view and persuasive language
  • Evidence to justify their point of view
  • Rhetorical questions / other persuasive devices (e.g.
  • Call to action


Assessment for/as learning:

Students should deliver their campaign speeches to the class in their most confident and persuasive tones. Allow candidates the opportunity to receive feedback from their peers using the Two stars and a wish method.