The Somewhat True Story of how the Sandwich Got Its Name

story by Kaye Baillie , illustrated by Aśka

Learning intention:

I am learning to connect ideas from a story to our own experience and knowledge so that I can make deeper connections with the text.

Success criteria:

Students recognise why the character from the text decided to invent something new.

Students understand what it means to use inspiration to create something.

Students apply inspiration to their own ideas for a meal that can be eaten with one hand.

Students write a procedural text and draw a picture to demonstrate their creation.

Design a meal inspired by the creation of the sandwich.

After reading the story, discuss the challenges that would arise from having to eat every meal with cutlery. Ask students to consider how it would impact their recess and lunch breaks if they needed to eat this way all the time. Ask for examples of other things they do while eating with one hand - this may be reading a book, playing on their device or even playing handball in the playground.

Remind students that Lord Sandwich took inspiration from his surroundings, using the layers of planks and letters as the basis for his design when he invented the sandwich. Discuss examples of other meals that can be eaten with one hand and where their inspiration may have come from. Students should draw a table in their English books to show the examples and add any others they can think of:

Food: Possible Inspiration:
Pie Bowl
Wonton Sack or money bag
Burrito parcel
Shish kebab stick

Ask students to think about the meals that they eat (preferably with cutlery) and consider how they could adapt them into meals that can be eaten with one hand. Have them also think about what inspiration they could use. Mention existing examples that have been adapted, such as cereal bars, breakfast burritos and chicken salad wraps.

Students should then design their own meal that can be eaten with one hand by drawing a picture of it and writing a procedural text to instruct others how to make it.

You can write this procedure on the board as an example:

Breakfast burrito

Put a tortilla flat on a plate

Cook two slices of bacon

Cook one egg

Lay the bacon in the middle of the tortilla and put the egg on top

Sprinkle some cheese over it

Add the sauce you like

Fold both sides of the tortilla into the middle

Fold the bottom of the tortilla up

Eat your breakfast burrito!

If there is time, some students may want to present their designs to the class.

Extension task:

Students could write further procedural tasks explaining how to also cook any relevant ingredients in their meal.