The Post Man

written by Karen Wasson , illustrated by Michel Streich

Learning Intention: 

I am listening for key points in a spoken text so that I can share ideas and accurately recount information.  

Success Criteria: 

  • I can listen to a text and comprehend the information presented.  
  • I can ask and answer questions about a text, based on making, confirming or correcting predictions.  
  • I can generate a summary about a text through linking spoken, written and visual information.  

Essential knowledge: 

  • This is a modified dictogloss activity. For more information on using a dictogloss as a comprehension and summary activity see the guidance published by the Department of Education and Training Victoria. 

Prior to reading the text revise the definition of predict (to state what will happen in advance on a reasoned basis) and provide hints on how to make good predictions (by making inferences, estimations and considering cause and effect). 

If you have a digital subscription, listen to the audio recording of the article on The School Magazine’s website. Alternatively, read it aloud to the class. Do not display the text or illustrations yet.  

At five points in the article, stop and ask students to make a prediction. Explain that they can confirm or correct their predictions during the second reading of the text.   

  1. Paragraph one after, “he was famous for the things he sent in the post”. Ask: What do you think were some of the items he sent in the post?  
  1. Paragraph two after, “The Post Office Guide included all the rules about what could and could not be sent with the Royal Mail.” Ask: What do you think were the rules for posting an item? What things do you think were forbidden from being sent?  
  1. Paragraph three after, “Reg started small.” Ask: What small things do you think he posted?  
  1. Paragraph four after, “he started to think bigger.” Ask: What large things do you think he posted?  
  1. Paragraph five after, “send strange things through the post.” Ask: What do you think are the new rules for posting an item via Royal Mail? 

Predictions can be written as a bullet point list or collected digitally and displayed using software such Mentimeter or Padlet 

Extension: after students have made their predictions ask them to provide a short justification for each prediction. For example, if a student predicted that he sent a sandwich in the post, they may state that this is a reasonable prediction because a sandwich would fit in a letterbox.  

Read the text to students again. Pause at the end of each paragraph and instruct students to confirm or correct their predictions. Then provide students with a copy of the text and allow them to read the article and peruse the illustrations independently. 

Finally, divide students into groups of three to four. Collect the text of the article from them. Provide each group with cut out copies of the illustrations. Using the key words identified in their predictions and represented in the illustrations (e.g. onion, hat, seaweed), students recreate the article containing as much detail as possible.