The Happy Monkeys and the Water Ogre

traditional Hindu tale retold by Bonnie Highsmith Taylor , illustrated by Craig Phillips

Learning Intention:

I am learning to identify elements of a procedural text so that I can write one.


Success Criteria:

  • I can brainstorm collaboratively to produce a solution
  • I can write a procedure using correct structure
  • I can edit my work


After reading the text, ask the students if the story had a good resolution. Some students may initially say yes, but prompt them to think about whether the monkeys’ problem has really been solved. Remind them there’s still an ogre in the lake. Maybe the ogre will rip out the reeds or wait until all the reeds have been used as straws.


Tell the class to imagine that they have received a letter from the monkeys asking for a permanent solution. Students are to work in teams of three or four and brainstorm different ways they could get rid of the ogre. Examples include luring the ogre out, tricking the ogre to leave, scaring the ogre away. Discourage solutions such as poisoning the lake, as this means the monkeys will no longer have fresh water.


Once teams have agreed on a good solution, explain that they will need to send clear instructions back to the monkeys, so they know exactly what to do. Ask students what kind of text they could use to give step by step instructions (procedure).


Visit Literacy Ideas’ webpage on Procedural Texts and scroll down to view the comprehensive video on how to write procedural texts. When they have finished viewing, ask students what the main things are they need to include in a procedure.



- Purpose of the procedure

- Materials/tools needed (in dot points)

- Numbered instructions (in sequential order, starting with a verb, using second person present tense)

- a conclusion, if there’s more to do when the main procedure is complete

- an illustration to help guide the reader


Remind students they need to be clear in their instructions to the monkeys. They should aim to use short and simple sentences to convey any complex ideas.


For an example of a procedure, continue scrolling down beneath the video on the Literacy Ideas page. Near the bottom are some student writing samples. Click on the year 3 tab to view a procedure for how to grow carrots.


Students discuss their step-by-step instructions in their teams, writing down any ideas as notes. Individually, they write their procedure either on a template provided by the Literary Ideas page or in their books.