The Gummiwolf

story by Rolli , illustrated by Greg Holfeld

Learning intention: 

I am learning to make visual connections with sounds so that I can understand and use onomatopoeia in a purposeful way. 


Success criteria: 

  • I can explain the reasons onomatopoeia is used in different texts. 
  • I can contribute my own ideas for the use of onomatopoeia. 
  • I can create an illustrated version of an onomatopoeia word that relates to its meaning. 

Essential knowledge: 

More information about connecting language with imagery can be found in the English Textual Concepts video Connotation, Imagery and Symbol. 


Before reading the story, ask students for their knowledge of onomatopoeia and view the video What are Onomatopeias?  

Ask students to identify onomatopoeia words in the story as they follow along. Read the text together, or if you have a digital subscription, you can listen to the audio recording to assist in identifying the sounds.  

After the story, ask students which onomatopoeia words they identified. These should include: 





Discuss how they contributed to the excitement of the story (e.g. gave the readers a sense of speed, movement and feeling). 

Draw students’ attention to the Sallymander and The Pig Pack comics in the magazine, as well as the illustration on page 27 for Zoodee’s Earth Landing. Ask students to identify onomatopoeia words in these texts. These should include: 








Discuss how these onomatopoeia words are presented differently in illustrated form, highlighting the visual aspects, such as font style, size and background shapes.  

View the video Word Art and Onomatopoeia to reinforce the visual concept. Explain to students that they will create their own onomatopoeia art using pencils and paper. They should choose a word from the text, or identify other parts of the story where onomatopoeia would be suitable, and come up with their own ideas. Suggestions may include: 

  • The Gummiwolf bouncing over the fence (e.g. BOING) 
  • The Gummiwolf licking his lips (e.g. SLURP) 
  • The Gummiwolf swimming across oceans (e.g. SPLASH) 
  • Jennifer breathing a sigh of relief (e.g. AHHHH) 
  • Jennifer eating the rest of the jellybeans (e.g. MUNCH) 

Remind students to consider the style of their lettering, the background shapes and the colouring when designing their onomatopoeia art to suit the word they have chosen. Discuss ideas for illustrated words. Suggestions may include: 

  • SPLASH (e.g. bubbly blue lettering with water droplets in the background) 
  • SCREECH (e.g. long black lettering with tyre tracks along the page) 
  • CRUNCH (e.g. Lettering with sharp corners and crumbs around it) 

Have students plan and create their own onomatopoeia illustrations. If possible, create a visual display for students’ work once completed.