The Fundraiser

story by Kathryn England , illustrated by David Legge

Learning intention:

I am learning to investigate how language provides insight into the point of view a story is told from.

Success criteria:

  • I can match statements to characters based on the language used.
  • I can identify language associated with parents/carers.
  • I can compose a diary entry.
  • I can include language that matches the point of view the story is told from in my diary entry.

Essential Knowledge:

View the video on Point of View, produced by The School Magazine. Ensure students note that ‘point of view’ means the perspective a story is told from.


Display the following statements:

  • OMG that fidget spinner is sick!
  • Oh good afternoon Mildred, please do take a seat.
  • Turn off that heater, money doesn’t grow on trees you know.

Alongside, list characters, such as:

  • A grandparent
  • A kid/teen
  • A parent

Discuss which of the characters most likely said each of the statements. Sample responses are as follows:

  • OMG that fidget spinner is sick! (kid/teen)
  • Oh good afternoon Mildred, please do take a seat. (grandparent)
  • Turn off that heater, money doesn’t grow on trees you know. (parent)

Inform students that authors select language that best suits the point of view of their narrator, for example choosing language that is suitable for the character’s age, personality and values.

Identify language in the story The Fundraiser that reveals whose point of view the story is told from. Sample responses include:

…us kids

We usually have to play whatever the teachers decide.

Anyway, Tamara (she was my best friend but she’s not anymore)

…everybody said that’d be really cool!

…being in Year 5 meant we should be able to handle some responsibility.

We’ll probably have to practise a lot until we can do this really fast otherwise it’ll look dumb.

Ensure students note how this reveals the story is told from the point of view of a child.

Discuss common phrases/types of language used by or associated with parents/carers. View the article 67 Things All Parents Say for ideas. Sample responses include:

  • In my day….
  • Kids these days…
  • When I was young…

Inform students that they will be composing a brief diary entry, retelling a section of the story from the parents’/carers’ perspective.

Scan the story, The Fundraiser, to identify mentions of parents/carers. For example:

  • The audience (presumably parents and carers) clapping really loudly when the students’ played jingle bells on their recorders.
  • The P&C hiring a smoke machine
  • Collecting the pets from rehearsals
  • The main character’s mum making their costume, sewing stars and moons
  • Watching the pet and magic show and finding it entertaining

Inform students that it can be assumed the parents’ know about the rehearsals and that they are probably responsible for taking and collecting their children from rehearsals.

Refer back to the text to identify features of writing in a diary style, such as writing the date and starting with the line, ‘Dear diary’. Tell students that they will need to include language that reveals the narrator is an adult/parent. Collaboratively compose a brief example. A sample response is provided below:

Wednesday, 9th February

Dear Diary,

I sat up half the night sewing half-moons and stars on the costume for the pet and magic show. Kids these days don’t know they’re born. That would never have happened in my day. Now, I’m running late for the office and I just spilt coffee all over my favourite blouse.

Allow time for students to compose their diary entries with a partner/in a small group. Once complete, instruct them to share them with another group. Discuss how the language used assists with creating a clear image of the narrator in the minds’ of the viewers.