Space Pizza

poem by Jesse Bornemann , illustrated by Christopher Nielsen

Learning intention:

I am learning to create a multimedia advertisement for an audience so that I can develop my skills in scripting and filming using appropriate visual techniques.


Success criteria:

  • I can consider what would be appealing to an audience in advertising.
  • I can work collaboratively to create an appropriate script for my product.
  • I can identify advertising techniques and use them in a way that is best suited to my advertisement.


After reading the poem, have students think, pair and share to discuss what an outer space pizza place would be like. Explain that they are going to work together to design a concept for their pizzeria and create a video advertisement to attract customers. To do this, ask them to consider who their customers might be, what their restaurant would look like and what kind of pizza they might serve (e.g., Saturn Supreme, Meteor-lovers).

Using these points, they should come up with a plan by writing dot points or mind maps in their books and lists of ingredients for at least three of their pizzas, as well as a rough sketch of ideas for what their restaurant may look like. Ideally, each sketch should include at least the outside of the building and a logo.

Once they have created their concept, they should consider how they would advertise their outer space pizza place to potential customers. Students should write a script for their advertisement. To provide inspiration, you may wish to show them real life pizzeria advertisements online or model a script on the board, such as:

If you’re tired and hungry from your interplanetary travel, stop in for a slice on your way through the solar system. Our solar ovens will take the heat from the sun to melt your cheese from the moon!

Once scripts are completed, students should create a video of their advertisement. To do this, they should consider if they would like to act it out or have a voiceover with images such as their own illustrations or images of pizza and outer space that match their vision for their pizzeria. They should then conduct some research by watching some online video ads, preferably for pizza restaurants, to help them identify techniques such as where the camera is pointing, when close ups are used, and what facial expressions actors are using to demonstrate their excitement or satisfaction with the pizza or other product.

I had difficulty with this. I needed further clarification from my teacher. This was my strength today.

I can consider what would be appealing to an audience in advertising.

I can work collaboratively to create an appropriate script for my product.

I can identify advertising techniques and use them in a way that is best suited to my advertisement.

Goal setting:

In reflection of the work I have achieved through this task, my areas of strength were:



The area I need to develop further is: