Slime Girl

story by T Lynn Slater ,  illustrated by Douglas Holgate

Learning intention:

I am learning to use text connectives so that I can present a cohesive text.

Success criteria:

• I can sequence events in a text.
• I can use text connectives such as “first”, “next” and “last” when composing a text.


After reading Slime Girl as a class, write the numbers 1-5 on the board and explain that you’ll be going through the steps that Kayla and Jayden took to create Slime Girl. Ask the following questions for each step:

1. What is the first thing the characters retrieved, and how? (Answer: Mould from the bathroom sink plughole with a wooden skewer.)
2. What are the next four ingredients? (Answer: Green jelly crystals, water, glue, dishwashing liquid.)
3. What did the characters do with these ingredients? (Answer: Used a wooden spoon to mix them in a ceramic bowl.)
4. What is the mysterious ingredient they added last? (Answer: Slightly yellow powder.)
5. What is the final thing they did? (Answer: Put it in the microwave for thirty seconds.)


Sort students into small groups and explain that they will be pretending to be Jayden or Kayla presenting their findings to the class. They will need to use text connectives such as “first”, “second”, “then”, “next” and “finally” when presenting. They can illustrate posters for certain steps if time permits. An example script is below:

When Jayden and I created Slime Girl, the first thing we did was get mould from the bathroom sink plughole using a wooden skewer (hold up illustration to go with step 1). Then we gathered green jelly crystals, water, glue and dishwashing liquid, and mixed it in a big ceramic bowl with a wooden spoon (hold up the two illustrations to go with steps 2 and 3). Next, we added a mysterious yellow powder we found in the back of the cupboard (hold up illustration to go with step 4). Finally, we microwaved it for thirty seconds (hold up illustration to go with step 5). And viola! Slime Girl!