My Unpredictable World

poem by B J Lee , illustrated by Ana María Méndez Salgado

Learning Intention:

I can respond to a scenario presented in a model text and use planning tools so that I can compose a persuasive piece of writing.

Success Criteria:

  • I can use an online tool to plan the structure and content of my writing
  • I can think creatively
  • I can use persuasive techniques to convince readers of my point of view
  • I can reflect on my writing


Understanding text:

Prior to reading the poem, ask students to imagine they could make an unexpected change to the way the world works. Discuss the different ideas that students contribute and talk about why that would be interesting or strange.


Read the poem as a class, or listen to the recording if you have a digital subscription.

Ask students to colour code the unexpected scenarios in the poem – they are to use two colours. The first colour is to highlight or underline the changes that would be highly disruptive, The second colour is to highlight the changes that would not have a huge impact.

Engage students in a class discussion using the following questions:

  • Which scenario would be terrible if it came true in real life? Why?
  • Which scenario wouldn’t change the world very much? Why?
  • Which scenario is the funniest? Why?
  • Which scenario is the most concerning? Why?


Creating text:

Students are to select one scenario from the poem ‘My Unpredictable World’ (for example ‘the rain falls up’) and prepare a persuasive response in which you explain why the world would be better if that scenario played out in real life.

In order to plan their work students may use the Persuasion Map Tool from the ‘Read Write Think’ website.

When students have finished their response using the persuasion map tool they are to save and print their work so that they can use their plan to write their final response.


If you have a digital subscription, have students complete the interactive on ‘Modality’ before they write their response.


Assessment for/as learning:

Students complete a self-assessment in which they answer the following questions:

  • My writing argues that the scenario from the poem is beneficial
  • I have given examples
  • I have explained my reasoning
  • I have used persuasive language/high modality language