Little Hikers

poem by Leonie Needham , illustrated by Anna Bron

Learning intention:

I am learning to identify onomatopoeia in a poem so that I can explain its effect in adding to the imagery of the text.

Success criteria:

  • I can compile a list of sound words under the heading Onomatopoeia.
  • I can Identifies onomatopoeia in the poem
  • I can Identify and explains the effects of onomatopoeia in the poem.


Essential Knowledge:

Check prior learning with the class and ask students what they know about onomatopoeia.

Onomatopoeia are words that imitate or express sound and add to the description and imagery of a text. With onomatopoeia in a poem, we are able to picture the scene and imagine what is happening in the text.

Watch this video on Onomatopoeia to establish shared understanding across all children in your class.


Read through the poem as a class and have students’ highlights words and phrases that they feel express sound and add to the imagery of the text.

Within their workbook, have students locate and record 4 examples of onomatopoeia from the text and describe the image that these words create.

An example may be:

Twigs snap under little feet like ammunition rounds ( Interpretation: Harsh, loud sounds in the quiet environment create an unsettling feeling)

Packs crack the small of your back, enough to make you cry ( Interpretation: The reader develops the feeling that the pack is heavy and uncomfortable for the hiker)

Tummies start to rumble ( Interpretation: the reader will feel empathy towards the hikers, they are hungry and working hard in the conditions)

Trudging on in single file, braced against the wind ( Interpretation: The reader develops a feeling that the hike is rough in tough terrain and the hikers are battling environmental conditions)


Students can share their responses with the class and describe the different images that they felt.

Encourage the children to review and edit a recent composition which they have written that could be improved by the inclusion of onomatopoeia in the writing.

Share the reviewed work by the children.