Hop on that Broomstick

article by Karen Jameyson , Illustrated by Alamy

Learning intention:

I can combine written, spoken and visual elements to present my ideas so that I can build a well-rounded presentation to persuade others.


Success criteria:

  • I can extract important information from an article
  • I can work collaboratively to piece together an idea in a comprehensive manner
  • I can use a variety of methods to present the idea with the intention of persuading the audience.


Essential knowledge:

Information about presenting ideas in a persuasive manner can be found in the English Textual Concepts video Argument.



Prior to reading the article, discuss students’ familiarity with Harry Potter and the game of Quidditch. Allow students to share their prior knowledge with the class. Read the article together or give students the time to read it themselves and view the accompanying images.

After reading, ask students to recall the setup and rules of the game that is played in real life, which has now been renamed Quadball. Answers may include:

  • It takes place on a grass field
  • Only seven players from each time can be on the field at any time
  • Players must keep a broomstick or pole between their legs during play
  • It has three hoops of different heights at each end of the playing field
  • There are five balls used in each game
  • A volleyball is used for scoring points through the hoops
  • Three bludgers (dodgeballs) are used to eliminate players
  • The Snitch is a ball in a sock which is attached to the waistband of a player and must be caught to end the game.

Discuss with students whether they think the game sounds like something they would like to play and ask them to give reasons (e.g., it sounds fun and challenging, the characters from Harry Potter enjoyed it, it’s something different to the games that we’re used to).

Divide students into small groups and inform them that they will be working with their group to invent a new game, which they will be trying to persuade the class to vote for. The School Magazine rubric for persuasive writing using ethos, pathos and logos can be used to guide students in their planning.

Like Quadball, their game can be adapted from a game or sport they are familiar with from a text, or it can be completely made up. Groups should decide on:

  • The name of the game or sport
  • The number of players
  • Where the game is played (e.g., grass field, tabletop, hard court)
  • What the rules of the game are
  • What equipment is needed?
  • How the game finishes (e.g., a set amount of time, a winning move)

Once these decisions have been made, each group should write these down and draw any relevant elements to display to the class. These may include:

  • The different types of equipment
  • A diagram of the field, court or board
  • A visual depiction of the way the game is played.

Each group should then present their sport or game to the class, explaining its rules and features and show any visual displays they have created to demonstrate any relevant aspects. Once presentations have been completed, distribute a small slip of paper to each student. Explain to students that they should vote for the game or sport they would most like to play, based on the presentation, however they are not allowed to vote for their own group. If the winning group has invented a game that is possible and practical to play at school, you may wish to advise students that they will have the opportunity to do this at a later stage.