
story by Jacqui Halpin , illustrated by Amy Golbach

Learning Intention:

I am learning to use a clear structure and appropriate tone, pace, and volume, so that I can present a convincing persuasive proposal.


Success Criteria:

  • I can gather evidence and ideas when planning my presentation
  • I can organize my ideas into a clear structure
  • I can adjust my volume pace and tone to deliver an argument with authority


Essential knowledge:


View the video Argument from the English textual concepts.

For more information on how to deliver a speech confidently, view the video Tips for improving your manner from the Arts Unit.

Teacher resources regarding persuasive writing are provided in the Essential knowledge section of the learning resources for ‘Show me the honey!’


Understanding text:


Read the story and discuss the following comprehension questions as a class.

  • What did Noah want more than anything? (He wanted his name in the Genius book of world records)
  • What is the Genius Book of World Records? (It is a list of unusual and surprising achievements, including the name of the people who achieved. It is like the Guiness Book of World Records – students may be familiar with this book)
  • Which records had Noah already unsuccessfully attempted? (World’s biggest tomato, world’s tallest house of cards, juggling the largest number of raw eggs)
  • Does Noah achieve his goal? Explain. (Noah does get a Genius World Record for Twitcher’s trick at the end, which launched him into a chocolate cake)


Oral language and communication:

Complete a think, pair, share activity in which students discuss the kinds of strange, wonderful and interesting world records that could be achieved and listed in the Genius Book of World Records.


As a class visit the Kids Guiness World Records website,  looking at some sample records such as the Hula hoop record, the Lego records and some silly ones like the fastest time to put on five T-shirts. Teacher to select prior to the lesson, based on class interests.


Ask students to imagine they could make an attempt at getting their name in the Genius Book of World Records. Students can use their imagination to create the record they would like to set (even if it isn’t really possible for them).


Students are to prepare and present a proposal for this Genius World record attempt. They are to imagine that they are trying to convince the school principal to allow the record attempt to happen at school during the day.


If you have a digital subscription, complete the interactive before students write their proposal.


Creating text:

When planning their speech, students may like to use the following scaffold:


Introduce the record you would like to attempt

Reason 1:

Give the first reason why the school should allow the World Record attempt on school grounds.

Reason 2:

Give the second reason why the school should allow the World Record attempt on school grounds.


Remind the audience of the record you would like to attempt.


Allow students time to rehearse their proposal. Organise the class into pairs or small groups and encourage them to practice their volume, pace and tone so that they are convincing. Ask the class to help their peers by listening and letting speakers know if they should change their volume (too loud or too soft), pace (how fast they are speaking) and tone (how believable or convincing they sound).


Assessment for/as learning:

Students deliver their presentations to the class. For each student complete the following assessment checklist:

Achieved Working towards
The student speak clearly, uses appropriate volume, pace and expression
The speech is clearly structured
The students speaks convincingly with appropriate volume, pace and tone
The purpose and audience was clear