Fly Like a Bird

story by Kara Benson , illustrated by Craig Phillips

Learning intention:  

I am learning to extract specific information from a text so that I can use that knowledge to inform others. 


Success criteria: 

  • I can identify and extract procedural information contained in a narrative. 
  • I can categorise information that I learn. 
  • I can present information in a logical way using visual techniques. 


Essential knowledge: 

More information about combining language and design to communicate information can be found in the English Textual Concepts video Code and Convention. 


After reading the story, discuss what the main character in the story learnt from Tony about hang-gliding tips and safety procedures. Answers may include: 

  • People over fourteen can go tandem and people over eighteen can learn to fly solo. 
  • Weather conditions are important and there should be a strong, steady onshore wind. Severe weather conditions such as thunderstorms are extremely dangerous. 
  • There should be an alternative landing site within reach. 
  • Harnesses are hooked in to safety and back up hooks. 
  • The tandem rider should hold onto the instructor’s harness with both hands to prepare for takeoff, then they run together off the edge of the cliff. 
  • Hang-gliders can only fly within the updraft. 
  • Hang-gliders need to give way to other hang-gliders in front of them, as the ones in front can’t see them. 
  • The harness is what hold the riders up, the bar on the hang-glider is for steering. 
  •  Riders should hold the bar lightly and keep their grip loose. 
  • Pushing the bar raises the hang-glider higher, pulling it in lowers it and increases the speed.         
  • Riders feet need to be taken out of the stirrups before landing so they can run along the ground. 

View the video Guide to Hang Gliding with Jonny Durand and have the students write down any additional information points that they feel would be helpful to people who are learning to hang-glide. 

Inform students that they are going to create an infographic for beginner hang-gliders based on the information they have learnt. Explain that an infographic is a poster that visually represents information in a way that is easy to understand. The following sports-related infographics can be used as examples: 

Students may wish to focus on one area, such as safety or equipment for their infographic, or break their poster up into different sections for each.  

Infographics may be created on paper, or by using digital software such as Canva or Google Slides.