
poem by Robert Schechter , illustrated by Cheryl Orsini

Learning intention

I am learning to create a poem in the form of visual poetry so that I can explore my own experiences and personal interests.

Success criteria

  • I can Identify rhyming words in the poem
  • I can creates my own poem that explores personal interests and experiences
  • Reads their poem to an audience

As a class, read through the poem Dancing and ask the students:

What is the rhyming scheme of this poem?

Direct students to use their student workbooks and write down matching pairs of rhyming words that are found in the poem.

For example; feet and beat, grips and hips, spell and tell, head and led.


What feeling do you get reading this poem and viewing the image?

(Descriptive answers may be- dancing for enjoyment, fun and happiness.

Student is participating in an activity that they really love doing.)


How does the author and illustrator convey this feeling?

(Answers may include- colour choice and repetition in the celebration pattern on the t-shirt, music and decorations around the character. The beat of the poem is uplifting with a simple rhyming pattern.)


Explore your personal interest or experience and decide on your topic.

Brainstorm with the children all of the possible topics they enjoy. Vote to choose the topic that is going to be composed through a joint construction, with the teacher modelling and demonstrating through think aloud.

Allow students to share the pen with the teacher and give students time to come up with examples with their thinking partner that can be used in the class joint construction. Through discussion and collaboration, share and choose rhyming examples that can be included into the class poem.

After the completion of the joint construction, and  gradually release of responsibility explain to children they are now to independently construct a poem of their own choice.

Ask students to think of an activity that really brings them a sense of joy and being in your “happy place”. It could be playing a sport, being creative in an art project, participating in a recreational activity such as surfing or skateboarding or even just listening to your favourite music or playing your favourite game.

Experiment with words and frameworks.

Create a finished poem in the form of visual poetry

Once students have completed their poem, use this visual poetry site to create a visual mosaic of the poem.  The text of the poem is written in the top text box and the students then move the cursor across the page to add an element of design to express their chosen topic.