Anzacs and Their Slouch Hats

article by Sue Murray , photo Australia Army Anzac

Learning intention:

I am learning to analyse persuasive techniques so that I can write a persuasive text.

Success criteria:

  • I can infer meaning from vocabulary used in texts.
  • I can identify persuasive techniques used in texts.
  • I can write a persuasive text using persuasive techniques.

Essential knowledge:


Before reading the text, ask students what item of clothing they think is one of Australia’s national symbols. Students may answer with thongs, a hat with corks hanging from it, a flannel shirt, jeans. Show students the image of the Australian soldier from the article and point out the hat. Ask the class if this answer surprised them.


Read the article as a class or listen to the digital recording. Ask students how the author proved she had the authority to present the argument that the slouch hat is one of Australia’s national symbols. Students should note the facts given about the hat in the context of the war and the clear description of the hat. Ask students what techniques the author used to persuade the reader the slouch hat is one of Australia’s national symbols. Answers include:

  • using facts
  • using emotive language such as bravely, courage and proud
  • connecting the hats to World War One, aiming to evoke national pride and respect
  • using the banner ANZAC DAY: LEST WE FORGET, aiming to evoke national pride and respect
  • using an old photograph of an Australian soldier, aiming to evoke national pride and respect.


Invite students to choose another item of clothing to write about in the same style as the article i.e., it must contain facts about the clothing, a description and a viewpoint where they will use techniques to persuade the reader. Suggested topics:

  • The cork hat and a source of Aussie pride
  • Thongs and a source of Aussie pride
  • The importance of traditional aboriginal clothing
  • Raincoats are the best protection against rainy weather
  • Kimonos as a national Japanese symbol
  • Saris as a symbol of South Asia
  • Jeans as the best item of clothing
  • Sarongs being the most versatile and useful item of clothing.

Explain that students need to research their chosen item of clothing for facts and descriptions, to give their work authority. Encourage them to use emotive language, as in the original text, to persuade the reader to accept their point of view. They can also use stories or historical facts to elicit an emotional response from the reader.

Students may include an image to their article. Remind them to choose an image that enhances their persuasive text.