- Persuasive
- Touchdown, Year 6
- Issue 3, 2025
A Pirate Ship Holiday
Learning resource
Learning intention
I am learning to analyse how text structures and language features work together to meet the purpose of a text, and engage and influence audiences so that I can compose a persuasive text.
Success criteria
I can:
- identify and discuss the impact of persuasive techniques in a model text
- identify how authority is developed or undermined in the voice of a text
- make language choices in my own writing that develop a strong sense of authority
Essential knowledge
For more information about the conventions of persuasion, see The School Magazine’s video on Argument. Also view The School Magazine’s video on Authority.
Engage the class in a discussion about travel advertising. Use the following prompts:
- Where have you seen real examples of travel advertising – advertisements trying to convince people to book a holiday? (Suggested answers: on bus stops, television, billboards, on travel agent windows, in the travel section of the newspaper, online)
- Aside from advertising, what else could influence the kind of holiday your family might book? (Suggested answer: Recommendations from friends/family who have been to a location, social media)
- What persuasive features do travel advertisements include? (Suggested answers: Idyllic photographs of beautiful locations. Images/videos of the method of travel, for example a cruise ship, or of people having a great time. Words like ‘all inclusive,’ ‘bargain,’ ‘kids stay free,’ return flights free,’ ‘book now,’ ‘limited time only,’ ‘don’t miss out’)
- What kind of language do advertisers use? (Suggested answer: persuasive language – including direct address, rhetorical questions, emotive language, inclusive language)
Explain to students that they will be reading an unusual travel advertisement. Instruct students to look for examples of persuasive techniques as they listen to the story being read. Read ‘Pirate Ship Holiday’ out loud to the class or listen to the audio file if you have a digital subscription. After reading, engage the class in a discussion about the following question:
- How has the speaker in this travel advertisement tried to convince readers to book a pirate ship holiday? (Think about persuasive techniques and strategies)
As students contribute their suggestions, draw out further information from each by asking them to identify evidence in the text that supports their answer.
Teacher modelling – 10 minutes
Re-read the introductory paragraph for the class.
Oooo, argh, all you swashbuckling readers! If you have always dreamt of joining a pirate gang, but your parents have refused to let you, here’s a great alternative: a pirate ship holiday for you and your family.
Explain that this travel advertisement is written from the perspective of a particular kind of person, relevant to the type of holiday. Ask students:
- Who is the speaker? (Suggested answer: A pirate)
- How do you know? (Suggested answer: Use of piratical language – ‘swashbuckling,’ ‘oooo, argh’)
- How does the use of this language set up a sense of authority for the reader? (Suggested answer: The use of a pirate as the ‘voice’ of the advertisement, using pirate language, gives a sense of authenticity to the advertisement)
Re-read the second section of the text:
For a limited time—in the next school holidays—your entire family can enjoy life aboard a pirate ship on your nearest rolling high seas. We will supply everything you need (peg legs, eye patches and so forth) for the complete pirate experience. These can be yours for the very low price of just: all your family’s gold. A bargain!
Use the think-aloud strategy to point out the different persuasive techniques used in this extract. Think-aloud: I’ve noticed the use of language that makes readers feel there is a sense of urgency, for example, ‘for a limited time.’ I have also noticed the use of direct address in which the speaker in the text draws readers into the experience of being on a pirate ship. The word ‘bargain’ implies that the price is a good deal. But, I can also see that the speaker loses some credibility with this because they say that it will cost ‘all your family’s gold.’ When readers think about this, they might realise that this is not a ‘low price’ at all.
Guided practice – 15 minutes
Explain to the class the concept ‘authority,’ using the Authority video or by displaying the English Textual Concepts poster. Point out that while the text uses an authentic pirate voice which builds a sense of authority, this voice becomes untrustworthy when they gradually reveal some of the negative aspects of the ‘Pirate Ship Holiday.’ Organise the class into pairs/threes. Instruct the pairs/small groups to re-read the section of text under the heading ‘What to expect?’ Provide a digital copy of the text to mark up on a tablet or other device – or provide a photocopy of the text to be annotated. Have students complete the following activities regarding this section of the text:
Identify and underline examples of the following persuasive techniques in this section:
- Direct address (second person) and inclusive language (we/us/our) (suggested answers: Once you come on board, your family will be outfitted with all the gear you need for your piratical experience; We will train you up quickly; You will also be permitted to spend about thirty seconds adjusting to the motion of the ship.)
- Identify and underline at least three words/phrases used by the speaker in the text which demonstrate attempts to develop a sense of authority. (suggested answers: acquiring, distributed, will also be permitted, will not be tolerated, efficiently, there will be sessions, essential lesson, adjusting to the motion of the ship, those unaccustomed)
- Identify and underline three phrases that reduce the authority of the speaker in the text. (Suggested answers: to mop up from shoulder wear and tear; Any family members exhibiting signs of seasickness will be asked to leave efficiently via the nearest plank; For those unaccustomed to eating rations with weevils or other insects in it, this will be an essential lesson.)
- Rank each of the phrases from the previous activity in order, with 1 being the example that most damages the speaker’s reputation and 3 being the example that is least damaging.
- Write an answer to the following questions:
- ‘How does the speaker in the text attempt to persuade readers to go on a pirate holiday?’
- What makes the speaker’s attempt to persuade readers ineffective?
Return to a whole class discussion and re-read the final section of the text under the heading ‘What are you waiting for?’ out loud. After reading engage students in a whole class discussion in which they offer answers to the following prompts:
- Which section of the text is the most authoritative?
- Which section of the text is the most persuasive?
- Which section of the text is the least authoritative/persuasive?
For each answer that is volunteered by students, ask ‘why?’ to encourage students to identify specific features of the text, language and style that led them to drawing this conclusion.
Independent activity – 10 minutes
Explain to students that they will be working in pairs to create their own advertisement for an unconventional style of holiday. The advertisement must:
- Adopt an authoritative, trustworthy voice
- Use persuasive techniques such as ‘direct address (second person), inclusive language, language of urgency, emotive language, imperative language (commands – eg. ‘don’t delay!’).
- Maintain a strong sense of authority throughout
As a planning tool, provide the following scaffold:
Describe your unconventional holiday
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Identify and list vocabulary specific to the holiday type/location of holiday
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Identify the speaker
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Provide an example of persuasive techniques/advertising language
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List words/phrases that will give a strong sense of authority
Students requiring support with the generation of ideas for the independent activity can be provided with the following ‘unconventional holiday’ ideas:
- A submarine holiday
- A journey into a black hole
- A camping trip to Antarctica
Once they have selected a holiday destination, provide students with the following sentence starters to write three persuasive sentences to encourage people to book the holiday:
- Have you always wanted to…
- Don’t miss out on…..
- On arrival, you will
Extension Task: Instruct students to re-write a new advertisement for a pirate ship holiday. In the new advertisement, students are to do the following:
- Write with a stronger sense of authority and gain the trust of readers
- Use persuasive techniques in an effective manner
- Develop a ‘voice’ that is trustworthy
Instruct students to complete a self-assessment of their advertisement using the following prompts:
- My holiday advertisement:
- One thing I did well is:
- One element I could improve is:
- A target for when I next compose a persuasive piece is: