Comic serial creators

Comic serial submissions are now CLOSED!

We are calling for comic serials to cover fantasty, humour, folktales, historical drama, sci-fi and a mixture of these genres. Our readers are in the 7-12 reading age range, so material must be appropriate and appeal to this readership.


Comic serials can be:

  • a single-page serial in ten parts
  • a double-page serial in ten parts

Submission guidelines

Interested comic serial creators should submit their proposed comic serial digitally, including:

  • a written synopsis of the comic serial, including episode breakdowns. (Rough art to explain key points can be incorporated.)
  • episode 1 to finished art stage (page dimensions are 185mm x 240mm).
  • character sheet with rough or finished art, introducing key characters.
  • Send submissions to: [email protected] by Monday, 20th May, 2024